Ending neighborhood vacancy by establishing Baltimore City’s first community directed land bank

Join the campaign for community control

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15,000 vacant properties

Baltimore City has over 15,000 vacant properties and 15,000 vacant lots. It is time to bring these properties and natural spaces to productive use. All residents deserve access to affordable and high quality spaces.

15,000 local supporters

We need your support! If you believe in Baltimore’s potential, and want to see a safe, equitable, and prosperous city, learn more about our campaign, and pledge your support by signing our petition today.

$15,000,000 in support

We are raising $15M in philanthropic investments to launch Baltimore City’s first Land Bank. If you are interested in contributing to this effort, visit our contact form to donate.

help heal historic harms

In Baltimore, MD, historically Black and historically redlined communities have suffered the impact of wealth extraction and long-term disinvestment for more than 100 years. Intentionally discriminatory housing policies and practices have wreaked immeasurable damage on Black neighborhoods and families. This damage is not just structural; it is economic, educational, criminal, social, environmental, health-related, and has resulted in thousands of vacant structures and lots that are largely concentrated in Baltimore's Black neighborhoods.

To heal these harms, we must employ an all-hands-on-deck approach. We invite you to join us by signing our petition, volunteering your time, making a donation, or simply spreading the word. We believe that communities should have the power to determine their own futures. If you agree, pledge your support today.

land reclamation and stewardship academy

The Land Reclamation and Stewardship Academy is an innovative training curriculum dedicated to educating community members about sustainable land use practices, environmental stewardship, and the importance of restoring and revitalizing damaged ecosystems. Through a combination of in class learning, supplementary activities, and community engagement, folks will gain the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to become effective leaders and advocates for their communities and their surrounding land.

pledge your support today!